Bilbao Metro1988-2014
- transit system
- public space
- place making
- infrastructure
The Bilbao Metro stands out as a testament to the thoughtful integration of architectural, engineering, and construction expertise. Unlike many metro systems where the engineering of tunnels and spaces for people is considered in isolation, the Bilbao Metro was conceived as a holistic entity from the outset. The Basque Government's commitment to a quality public service for the residents of metropolitan Bilbao led to the integration of diverse skills with a shared vision. Rooted in the understanding that a tunnel is a unique place with inherent qualities that should be celebrated rather than concealed, the Bilbao Metro embraces the philosophy that extends beyond the aesthetic realm to reason and practicality. This project showcases a strong local tradition of technology and craftsmanship, with most elements being produced locally, a departure from projects that rely on imported skills and materials. The design philosophy extends to the architecture's legibility, simplifying the traveler's journey by making the structure itself easily understandable. The stations feature large, cavernous spaces that accommodate mezzanines and staircases, creating a dramatic experience as people move through grand volumes. Lightweight, maintenance-free components contrast with robust tunnel walls, displaying a commitment to both functionality and aesthetics. The glassy entrance canopies or "Fosteritos," at street level, serve as emblematic beacons for the hidden transport network below. Their evocative shapes reflect the inclined movement within the subterranean tunnels and act as welcoming symbols to pedestrians. The Bilbao Metro, with its focus on mastering physical communication and enhancing the ease of movement, not only benefits the city and its region but also serves as a model for urban development worldwide.
Project Leads
- Foster + Partners
- Claude R. Engle, Lighting Consultant
- Foster + Partners
- Basque Government, Department of Transport and Public Works
- Michael Weiss Associates
- Biscay Transport Consortium (Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia)
- Basque Railway Network (Euskal Trenbide Sarea)
- Metro Bilbao, S.A.
- Basque Government
- Claude Engle Lighting
- Ove Arup & Partners
- Arup Design and Research
- Mot, Hay and Anderson (MHA)
- David, Langdon & Everest
- UTE Fomento-Balzola
- Agroman (Now: Ferrovial)
- Dragados
- Entrecanales
- LAIN - Urruticoechea
- Engineering for the Bilbao Metro SA / Bilboko Metrorako Ingeniaritza, AB (IMEBISA)
- Sobrino
- Acaba
- Construction

Infrastructural developmentLand use type
Capacity: 88 million passengers per annumGross floor area
13,500 m2Community Infrastructure
- public transportation